Stewardship Campaign 2022
Dear Friends,
Thank you for taking time to pray about how you will share your gifts with your faith community. We truly need whatever you can offer—from reading the Scriptures at worship to auditing our accounts, from your ideas of how we can better serve our neighborhood to how best to serve our own small community.
In uncertain times, just knowing that you have something to offer and a place that needs what you have, and a God that has given both the gift and the need, kindles something inside. Despair is a destination quickly found by dithering, but hope is a journey that you go on as you keep striving. Even doing and giving a little, because you trust God will make something out of what God has called forth in you—well, that’s the story of the mustard seed, isn’t it? A little faith will move mountains.
This is our online pledge form for this year. One of the the important ways we act in faith is to put our money in God’s service. God continues to support our congregation through a very difficult time. God gave us an extraordinary finance team that was able to use creativity and a lot of elbow grease to secure PPP loans and grants. But it’s been your faithful giving that has given our church a financial backbone—I believe because you trust that God is at work here and trust that God will put your money to good use. The great thing is that as we give our treasure, we see that all along we’ve needed to give it to see our faith grow, to see how that little mustard seed grows into a shelter for many living things.
We have such a great congregation, full of wonderful people, full of creativity and heart. I thank God every day for you, and for the work we do together. I hope you do, too, and I hope that you will continue to find joy, love, and hope here in God’s community of Our Saviour’s Atonement.
Pastor John